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Media Literacy

Coming Soon - Learn to navigate the online world safely and rationally.

Media literacy is your superpower in the digital world. It’s not just about spotting fake news – it’s about understanding how the media shapes your thoughts, feelings, and decisions.

Here’s a list of tentative topics:

  1. Mental Health and Screen Time – How much is too much, and how is screen time affecting us?
  2. Understanding Algorithms – Learn how social media platforms keep you scrolling
  3. Privacy and Security – Protect your personal information and navigate the online world safely
  4. Digital Footprint – Everything you do online leaves a trace – learn how to manage yours
  5. Fact Checking – Sharpen your skills in identifying reliable information and spotting misinformation
  6. Research Skills – Learn about the challenges we face when doing our own research online
  7. Rational, Respectful Communication – Learn to communicate online without falling into logical fallacies
  8. Marketing and Persuasion Techniques – Uncover the strategies advertisers use to influence your buying decisions
  9. Problems with the Media – Explore sensationalism, the Woozle effect, and media bias
  10. AI – Learn the risks and ethical questions surrounding AI technology and deepfakes

Have other ideas for topics you'd like to see? Email me at [email protected] – I'd love to hear your suggestions!

This course will be designed to be engaging for young people. I'll make sure the lessons are interactive, relatable, and anything but boring.