How to Support Critikid

There are various ways you can support Critikid to help us to continue making content.

Spread the word

I don't have much of an advertising budget, so I rely on people spreading the word. If you have friends or family members with children, please tell them about Critikid's courses. I also run Instagram and Facebook pages with content for people of all ages such as logic puzzles and videos about fallacies and biases. Please follow and share the posts that you find interesting!

Purchase a course or worksheets

For now, we have two courses available, Fallacy Detectors Part 1 for kids ages 8-12, and Symbolic Logic for Teens. We also have a range of Worksheets and Lesson Plans.


You can support the creation of new content by donating through Ko-Fi. For now, all this money raised will go towards the creation of Fallacy Detectors Part 2.